Latest GTA 6 coming out? Release date and more

GTA 6 – quite possibly of the most advertised game being developed at the present time – has formally been uncovered by Rockstar Games. North of 12 years after GTA 5 was revealed, the enthusiastically expected first trailer for Amazing Burglary Auto 6 was delivered in December 2023.

Rockstar Games had initially moved toward uncovering the GTA 6 trailer on Tuesday 5 December 2023, yet wound up delivering it 14 hours early after a bad quality variant of it spilled. The primary authority take a gander at GTA 6 came following quite a while of radio quiet from Rockstar, during which a lot of false tales arose.

The exceptionally expected uncover of GTA 6 broke YouTube records, sending the publicity levels for Rockstar’s next game high as can be. Also, in the event that you can hardly hold back to play GTA 6, then, at that point, we’ve gathered together all that you really want to be aware of it. We have subtleties on the most proficient method to watch the very first GTA 6 trailer, the delivery date window for the following Fabulous Burglary Auto, whether it will be coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC, in addition to significantly more.

If you have any desire to understand what the VG247 group needs from the following Terrific Robbery Auto game too, then ensure you look at our GTA 6 list of things to get as well.

GTA 6 release date

It has been affirmed that GTA 6 has a delivery date window of 2025. The delivery date window was uncovered right toward the finish of the main GTA 6 trailer. The trailer finished with the GTA 6 logo being uncovered, close by the message “Coming 2025”.

As far as when precisely GTA 6 could send off in 2025, Rockstar’s parent organization Take-Two recently said during a financial backer’s bring in August 2023 that they expected a major increase in profit in the monetary year which wraps up toward the finish of Walk 2025.

At that point, the distributer said it expected “record levels of working execution” during the financial year that runs from April 2024 to Walk 2025. Which recently prompted theory that GTA 6 could send off at some point in that window.

In a later financial backers bring in February 2024, Take-Two director and President Strauss Zelnick said Rockstar was “looking for flawlessness” with GTA 6 and it will deliver when it’s been “improved imaginatively”. While there are signs GTA 6 could send off in the financial year that finishes Walk 2025, Ubisoft President Yves Guillemot figures it could send off later than that.

GTA 6 trailer

The main trailer for GTA 6 was uncovered by Rockstar Games on Monday 4 December 2023. The anxiously expected mystery times in it at one moment and 30 seconds, making it longer than the uncover trailers for GTA 4, GTA 5 and Red Dead Recovery 2.

You can watch the reveal trailer for GTA 6 below:

The principal trailer affirms a lot of things about GTA 6. As broadly reputed, the following Fabulous Burglary Auto will make a re-visitation of Bad habit City. It will be whenever the series first has gone to this Miami-propelled area since 2006’s Bad habit City Stories. The trailer additionally revealed the series’ very first female hero called Lucia. An anonymous male hero, who hopes to have a Bonnie and Clyde-style relationship with Lucia, was likewise uncovered.

Other than this, the trailer likewise exhibited an in-game TikTok style interpersonal organization, which not just shows GTA 6 will have a cutting edge setting, however that online entertainment could have an impact in the following Fabulous Burglary Auto.

The GTA 6 trailer was distributed sooner than initially arranged, after a rendition of it spilled on X, previously known as Twitter. Not long after the spilled trailer arose, Rockstar Games set the authority secret live and posted on X: “Our trailer has spilled so if it’s not too much trouble, watch the genuine article on YouTube”.

GTA 6 platforms

It has been affirmed that GTA 6 will send off on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2025. In this way, assuming you had been trusting GTA 6 would come to last-gen consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One you’ll have to update. This additionally intends that, as with past Fabulous Robbery Auto games, GTA 6 won’t be accessible on PC at send off.

The justifications for why GTA 6 could be skipping PC at send off was examined by previous Rockstar engineer Mike York. Eurogamer detailed that York, who recently chipped away at GTA 5 and Red Dead Recovery 2, said PC ports take more time to deliver in light of the fact that studios need to zero in on “what sells”.

York expressed: “More often than not, particularly before, PlayStation was the enormous vender. PlayStation was ‘The Control center’ to have. It sold a larger number of duplicates than some other control center generally, everyone’s playing PlayStation. Anyway, what the designer could do, they could zero in the entirety of their energy on ensuring the PlayStation port and the PlayStation game worked great, right?”

GTA 6 location

GTA 6 will be getting back to Bad Vice City, ostensibly the most cherished area of the powerful threesome of Stupendous Burglary Auto games that sent off on the PS2. At the point when GTA 6 send-offs in 2025, it will likewise mean every one of the areas from these notorious Excellent Burglary Auto games have since been returned to by Rockstar Games. Freedom City from GTA 3 was the area of GTA 4, while Los Santos from GTA: San Andreas was the setting of GTA 5.

Other than the exceptionally expected return of Bad habit City however, it seems to be there will be a lot of different regions for players to investigate. In the authority GTA 6 public statement Take-Two expressed the following Amazing Burglary Auto will allow players to investigate the territory of Leonida, which is home to the “neon-drenched roads of Bad habit City and then some”.

GTA 6 map

While Bad habit City is the primary area of GTA 6, it’s supposed that pieces of GTA 6 will happen in Cuba. This is as indicated by a video posted by Tyler McVicker, a YouTuber known for his breaks about Half-Life creators Valve. The Cuba map is remembered to integrate with a reputed drug running plotline in GTA 6.

A report from Bloomberg distributed in July 2022 likewise guaranteed GTA 6 will happen in more than one area. Furthermore, whatever map GTA 6 winds up sending off with, it’s supposed more urban communities and missions will get added routinely after send off, with the guide getting extended likewise to a live help game that develops and advances over the long haul. GTA 6’s down world is supposed to be greater than any time in recent memory, with “more inside areas than past Fantastic Burglary Auto games” too.

GTA 6 leaks

Throughout the long term there have been a lot of deceptive bits of hearsay encompassing GTA 6, with supposed releases arising that ended up being completely sham. However, there are some high-profile holes, and little bits of data that have arisen like rapper and decoration T-Agony chipping away at GTA 6. One of the greatest holes to raise a ruckus around town Fabulous Robbery Auto really influenced the game’s enormous uncover, with the principal trailer for GTA 6 getting released 14 hours before fate has smiled down from heaven authoritatively revealed. A low goal form of the exceptionally expected uncover trailer was spilled on X, with Rockstar answering quickly by distributing the authority trailer not long a short time later.

A couple of days before the authority GTA 6 uncover, a TikTok video professing to show the “main look” at the following Great Robbery Auto likewise turned into a web sensation. As we detailed at that point, the video was posted by somebody who professes to be companions with the child of a Rockstar Games worker. There is, in any case, no real way to confirm these cases, nor whether the recording shown that became a web sensation is really GTA 6, or simply a vigorously modded rendition of GTA 5.

GTA 6 protagonist

Since GTA 5 carried different heroes to the series interestingly, it has for some time been supposed that Rockstar would take on a comparative methodology in GTA 6. It was broadly expected that the Great Robbery Auto series would kick off something new by having a playable female person without precedent for GTA 6, alongside a male hero.

This was affirmed in the GTA 6 trailer, which uncovered the female hero is called Lucia. An anonymous male hero is additionally uncovered in the trailer, yet Lucia gets the vast majority of the spotlight. Our most memorable gander at Lucia comes towards the start of the GTA 6 trailer, where we see her in prison conversing with a jail staff member. She’s inquired: “Do you have at least some idea for what reason you’re here?” to which Lucia answers: “Misfortune, I presume”.

GTA 6 initial announcement

Following quite a while of hypothesis and tales, it was affirmed that the following Stupendous Robbery Auto game was being developed in February 2022. Rockstar Games declared that work on the enthusiastically expected game was in progress in an exceptionally relaxed way, dropping a short explanation on Twitter, and at the lower part of a Newswire post on their authority site.

The declaration was a couple of lines long, yet basically affirmed work is in progress on it. Declaring the improvement of the following GTA, Rockstar Games expressed: “A large number of you have been getting some information about another passage in the Fabulous Robbery Auto series.

“With each new task, our objective is dependably to altogether move past what we’ve recently conveyed. We’re satisfied to affirm that dynamic improvement for the following section in the series is in progress.”

GTA 6 development

Rockstar North, who has caused each and every to mainline GTA game since the establishment began during the ’90s, are believed to be the designers of GTA 6. While the improvement studio hopes to have remained something similar, there have been a lot of different changes at Rockstar that influence the fate of the GTA series.

In 2020 Dan Houser, who helped to establish Rockstar Games and was one of the key creatives behind a considerable lot of the studio’s most cherished games, left the GTA and Red Dead Recovery producers. Houser’s flight came various years after one more key individual from Rockstar Games, Leslie Benzies, additionally left the studio. Benzies was the originator of both GTA 5 and Red Dead Reclamation. In August 2023, it was accounted for that Mike Unsworth, the VP of Composing at Rockstar Games, had apparently left the GTA creators too.

These significant level changes are the background to the advancement of GTA 6, which we originally heard substantial murmurs regarding in 2020. At that point, it was asserted advancement on Rockstar’s next significant title after Red Dead Reclamation 2 was in its beginning phases. The next year one more report arose about GTA 6, which asserted the following Terrific Burglary Auto wouldn’t show up until 2025. And afterward, in 2022, Rockstar finally declared they were making GTA 6, expressing work on the title was “well in progress”.

GTA 6 pre-orders

There aren’t any GTA 6 pre-orders yet, which shouldn’t be that surprising. After all, Grand Theft Auto 6 has only just been officially announced, with the release date awhile away. We’ll update this section when pre-order information becomes available.

GTA 6 returning characters

Some fans have asked whether or not GTA 5’s three protagonists – Franklin, Trevor, and Michael – will return in GTA 6. That’s kind of iffy, considering they were reportedly supposed to appear in single-player DLC that never materialized. With that, it seems their stories wrapped up at the end of GTA 5.

Searching for more GTA 6 substance? Figure out how Rockstar Games is embracing modding in front of the send off of the following Fantastic Robbery Auto. We’ve likewise got the lowdown on a Take-Two patent that could indicate more brilliant NPCs in GTA 6. Ensure you likewise look at our perspective piece on why GTA 6 necessities to split away its past, and usher in another tone.

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